Welcome to Raptor Relining Service.



The specialist skill of pipe relining allows Raptor Relining to save our clients considerable costs. As digging up and replacing a section of pipe can be very costly especially if it is under a driveway, building, road or a meticulous landscaped garden.
Not every damaged pipe is suitable for relining. A CCTV pipe survey needs to be completed first to determine the best solution. The pipe then needs to be jettered and cleared of any debris, solids and grease. We then sand the inside of the pipe in preparation and insert the liner.After the pipe has been repaired with the required application we camera again to inspect the condition of the repair. The before and after CCTV inspections are supplied on completion.
We use certified watermarked products such as Brawo liner and APS Resin. The mixed resin used in the relining procedure is totally inert and non toxic, any waste material can be disposed of in the same manner as domestic waste.
The materials have a guarantee of 10 years and the projected life span is 50 years